Connie ... *huff* Connie ... if ... if you're on ... the *huff* train why don't ... *huff* you give us ... give ... a hand ... *Ottery's running after the train carrying Teddy on his back cuz he's too lazy to run* I thought we were supposed to be running the train? *At times Teddy has to smack Ottery because he can't remember what he's writing in his fic cuz he's got so many stories running around the train station of his head*
Xavier you're too cool thank you for reading
I hope you all like what I'm doing so far ... I haven't started any of the killing or maiming yet,
but there will be romance ... time to introduce more characters ... that's always my formula for fun stories 
So here goes ...
"Of course the book doesn't say how you can summon up a dragon. I told you it wasn't a manual on the dark arts!" the cat exclaimed as he peered at the book in Uncle Anselmo's study.
Neither he or Giovanni were supposed to be there. Uncle Anselmo was an old man and he owned a lot of valuable books on magic and wizardry and it was known that some of them were of a questionable nature but where exactly he kept those tomes was a secret.
"Does it at least say how you can turn metal into gold?" Giovanni prodded his more 'ambitious' nature calling out to him.
"Why don't you come over here and look for yourself? Do you think it's easy for these paws to turn pages?" Prince remarked annoyed. He sat down on the tall stool and closed his eyes and held his head up to the ceiling effectively his way of saying "You suck. I don't want to play with you anymore."
"Oh, What? What did I do now?" the boy complained.
Poopie diaper alert guys, I'd rather be doing this but ... I'll be back laterz *sighs* I really wished I could have finished this scene ... I still don't know where it's going ...