Originally Posted by
JeshhLuff OOOoooohhhh I wonder what Voldemort the Dark Lord is going to say!!!
=O Why the strikethrough, luff? Quote:
Thank you, and you're quite a demanding reader, aren't you? xDD
Do you really want more so soon? Quote:
Originally Posted by
OttySt Thank you Maxie for the update.
Awww. Why the thanks? -hugs you tight-
I like MaxieOttyStHugs.<3 Quote:
I don't think it's Jenna & the flask so ...
one must still wonder.
He likes how she looks... Doesn't mean he likes her. But I'm not supposed to say that, not really. =DD Quote:
I love how you write Maxie, straight, swift to the point but, lovely to the eyes and ear. You don't overburden us with too much description it's like you just know what we need to know about every character and that's enough.
I hope you're not calling me a minimalist. But really, too many descriptions annoy me, sometimes. Even though some writers just have this knack for making them sound so sweet. <3 -randomly clings to you- Quote:
I'm really liking Jenna even if she is a bit ... self-assured?
She's confident to say the least ...
A bit? You call that a bit? =p Quote:
What Tom does though ... now that I'm curious about. I mean for the Dark Lord because from your post I'd think he owns a pub, or something? Just curious.
I don't think he's that important. I introduce a lot of not-so-important characters. Just to make people wonder. Or confuse them. xD Quote:
Keep posting love and don't make us beg ...
at least not too much.
Thank you.
Heyyyy! No fair. I post when I.... can --- okay, okay, I'm bad and don't. But I still love all of my readers LOADS. && my OttySt.<3
You say that like you just ended a speech.