Originally Posted by

*clings* Sooooo I have like a siiiimple and easy request and I couldn't really do it so. SO. You're like a graphics goddess so I REQUEST... starting...
Thaaaankkk youuu

Man. Used my own pics? Yeah. Okay? I didn't put text in the icon cause it's a lot and...cramped. Can we say cramped? OK.
Originally Posted by Lissy
I'mma snagging THIS icon -->
and I'm sooooo gonna credit too
Thanks luff! Keep up the good work! I'll come request when you're not totally buried with requests
You're welcome, Lissy. ^____^ Thanks for the compliments and enjoy the icon teeheee.
MuggleVampire :: Siggy/Av Set
Dracos_Lady :: Sig/Av Set
dingDong :: Sig/Av Set
Crush!Crush!Crush! :: Signature
electric.rainbow :: Signature
cake.ninjak :: Triple Combo
CreativeAllie18 :: PP & Wallie
Colley ♥ :: Triple Combo
Lislchen :: Signature
MuggleVampire :: Sig/Av Set
Requests Pending: 07