Thread: Harry Potter: Change for a Dollar - Sa13+
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Old 08-27-2004, 02:10 AM   #4 (permalink)
olivers_girl2004's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Down Drury Lane...Yes, I do know the muffin man. He makes a nice fruitcake for us around Christmas
Posts: 35

lol thank you for posting! ill write more as soon as i get home.....aww why make yall wait i think i remember what i wrote on the paper. if not ill fix way on with the story!

"when did this happen?"asked Ron and Ginny together. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and blushed. "Finally!"said Ron and Ginny in unison again. "What?"asked Hermione. "we thought you'd be furious" finished Harry. "why would we be furious? it was obvious that you to were crushing on each other for several weeks now."said Ron. They all headed down to breakfast with smiles on their faces.
On the train Ginny and Dean(Ginnys new boyfriend) went to save a compartment while Harry and Hermione, who were Head Boy and Girl, went to the prefects car to talk to the new prefects. Ron went to the bathroom. When they got back they found that Luna had joined Ginny and Dean. "hi luna"said harry and Hermione in unison. " hi Harry hi Hermione" said luna. "hey Ron" "h-h-hi Luna" Ron studdered. Luna giggled. when the train stopped Luna and Ron were last to get off. "umm... Luna can I talk to you for a second?" asked Ron uncertainly."sure Ron" Ron led her to the tree by the lake."umm... Harry and Hermione make a good couple"Ron spit out."umm...yea i guess. said Luna."well if thats all Ron we better get to the feast" "no wait.. thats not all"Ron said. he grabbed Luna by the waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss."wow Ron"Luna wispered when they broke apart. "i love you luna" said Ron." o Ron finally! you dont know how long ive waited for this day!" said Luna. "As long as it took me to work up the courage to tell you" said Ron. They headed back inside and sat next to Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Dean with Ron grinning from ear to ear.

ill stop here. hope yall like it so far and i would really apreciate replies! im gonna go read more stories!
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