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Piper looked up in slight shock as she saw Dora coming over to her. She shook her head at her questions and waved her off. " Go back to Melanie.. don't worry about me.." Piper slowly got up, the corridor was spinning, but she managed to totter forward a little bit. She wanted to go home.. She wondered if she could.
"If you insist, Piper," sighed Dora. She couldn't help but frown a bit, didn't Piper realize that she was just trying to help?
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Melanie saw Piper walking carefully " You should go home, in fact we all should, but please get checked at St. Mungus first" she pleaded to both her employees, getting up as well, not realizing that the piece of plastic she took from her back let a long cut that was still bleeding a little. A part from the cold - which she totally forgot about using her wand to do something about it - she was feeling ok, a little sore but ok.
"I think I'll go have a drink at the Leaky Cauldron, myself, I think that's just the ticket after such a ridiculous day," chuckled Dora smiling at Melanie. "Please send me an owl letting me know how you and the baby are," Dora said trying to muster up the energy to pick herself up off the floor. Then with a heaving sigh she pushed herself up and started to walk off toward the lifts slipping and sliding as she went.