A newer treat <3<3 Keep fighting, it will turn out okay <3<3 I wasn't sure what was going on but I couldn't go yet. I knew that they had no right to take me away. I wasn't of age. I couldn't leave the children behind.
"Riker, you will come as well."
I took in a deep breath to think. If I said the wrong thing all the children would have been killed, if I showed fear they would still hurt the children.
"What will occur to me? I am no threat to any one."
One of the guards raised his hand, I closed my eyes as soon as I saw the guards fist coming towards my face.
Now I was going to get it.
"Kent Stop!"
I couldn't open my eyes but I felt my body move on its own. I had dodged the guards fist and he was going to try to hit me again but the other guard stopped him.
"Why should? She is one of them they will all die no matter what, they need to be tortured for killing our people."
Both the guards stopped talking and I opened my eyes and realized I was in a weird position. I had no idea I had those kinds of reflexes.
"You will not come willingly then?"
I stood up straight.
"Why should I?"
Oh dear I need to start thinking before I talk.
"Well then okay I just wanted to clean that bleeding lip of yours."
Without another word, they both left taking Jason. |