Thanks a lot guys for those understanding comments. Sure, Paintbrush, I love Draco but I guess you'll just have to wait till the end to see what happens. Ok heres the next chapter; it's dedicated to all the readers as well as v_hudgens1412 aka Gab. She's my BFF in school and new to SS. Welcome to SS Gab!
Whispers followed Albus and Scorpius all along their way to the Gryffindor table. All heads turned to look at them even as they sat down. They could barely eat breakfast that morning. `Got the time tables ‘, said James, stuffing toast into his mouth. `So did us. Looks like we’re going to feel sleepy!’ Albus said with a groan. They had History of Magic first.
Jacob muttered, `that ought to be good now!’
`We’ve got double Charms later, so cheer up!’ Scorpius said with a smile.
James rolled his eyes. `I don’t think Dad’s going to like your new friend, Al!’
`Scorp is not like his father. He is kind and I understand him perfectly!’ Albus said, defiantly. James opened his mouth to reply, just as Rose and her friend, Vanessa Montez joined them.
`Hi Al, James,’ she said nodding at Jacob.
Scorpius smiled at her, but she ignored it.
Vanessa looked at the time table and cried, `Oh no! History of Magic first thing in the morning.’
Rose seemed as shocked as Vanessa. `I did not make notes, what will Madame Melvyn say!’ she moaned.
`Oh, we forgot that you take after Aunt ‘Mione!’ James joked. Vanessa giggled and Rose shot her an angry look.
`Vinnie, you’re not supposed to laugh at that!’ she scolded. `Sorry, I didn’t know that I had to do only what you told me to!’ Vanessa retorted.
`We’d better get going now; it’s going to take a while to find the classrooms!’ Scorpius said, getting up from his seat. `Yeah, let’s go. See you later everyone,’ Albus followed Scorpius.
Scorpius was thinking whether he should tell his father that he had been sorted in Gryffindor. He thought about discussing this with his friend.
`Hey Al, should I tell my Dad that I’m in Gryffindor?’
`What do you mean?’ Albus asked puzzled.
`I mean, should I tell him that I’m in Slytherin, not Gryffindor? I can lie!’ Scorpius said his voice now lower.
Albus stared at his friend. He noticed that Scorpius was not looking at him eye to eye.
`Scorp, why do you want to lie to your dad? I know he wouldn’t be mad at you!’ Albus said. `Never mind,’ mumbled Scorpius.
They walked back to their common room in silence. It was hard to find their way; what with all those staircases and confusing corridors!
Amanda's Amazing Art- Thanks!