Thank you all for sticking with my story, even if my story sticks to the roof of your mouth like peanut butter ... you know ... it gets annoying and what not ...
SS looks so much better on Safari, I should try goggle chrome ...
But I like peanut butter! It's all nummy.

And oooh, you're making me want to get safari.
Happy Birthday agent A, don't worry about reading everyday I only post once in a great while LOL and thank you for all the compliments on my writing, I hope I am getting better, I've been doing it for a while.
Why thank you Foxtrot. And you know what, as amazingly surprising as it is (but only cause you began as superb!!!) I think you're getting better.
Chinese Magical Triads
Bwahaha I thought it was that triads! Woo!
As if that wasn't enough action to keep you all awake at nights wondering how Ottery's shorts are a horcrux, then I don't how you all sleep at nights? *realizes that sentence makes no sense* Teddy will fire the cannons at anyone who objects. You have been warned.
Oh gosh, lmfao. Wow, dude. Seriously. *bows*
And.... zomg, you make that tea cozy look SO much better.
“Oh, I don’t worry about the muggles. I took every precaution,” the headmaster replied twirling around the small study in his muggle disguise, a pair of plaid red and white pants, a purple shirt, yellow vest, and bright almost blindingly so, pink jacket.
But... without quoting the whole post. I'm gonna say. Whoa. I liked that, it was a nice little insight onto a Dumbledore&Snape moment. Probably why I loved the end of DH so much, Snape's such an interesting
Lovin' this, Sir Foxtrot. And be here I shall when I can. *stalks*