SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Cormac McLaggen was never happy to be on the sidelines during a quidditch game, but the recent ankle injury he had suffered was forcing him to sit today’s match against Hufflepuff out. At least he was allowed to be the announcer, so it wasn’t like he wasn’t part of the game at all. He was supposed to be out there playing keeper, and Gryffindor was short of players, so Hermione Granger had volunteered.
No one had ever remembered seeing Hermione on a broom before. All they remembered was that she was the first girl to volunteer to answer questions in the classroom – any classroom. But she had been there at every single quidditch game Gryffindor had played for the last six seasons, always rooting for her team, so she must surely know something. Cormac had personally chosen her as his replacement, hoping that she would be delighted and show a little interest in him. Instead, she had expressed reluctance before finally agreeing. Maybe she was just being modest.
The game was an exciting one and Cormac did a good job announcing, really bringing enthusiasm to his descriptions of the action. Gryffindor was ahead by only 20 points when the impossible happened. Ron Weasley, flying as chaser, suddenly began to slow down, and those close to the action noticed his face start to turn green. Just a few moments later he flew by where Cormac was sitting, nearly falling off his broom as he did so, and vomited all over the unsuspecting announcer.
Instead of being sympathetic, Cormac was furious. “Why you….!”, he started, but Ron had already disappeared, feeling a little better since losing his lunch.
With just seconds left in the game a fight suddenly broke out between Ron and Hermione. “What are you doing out here anyway? HE asked you to be here today, didn’t he?”, Ron shouted, pointed towards Cormac.
“I’m only doing it for the team, you lout!”, Hermione insisted.
Both sides were distracted by the noise and began to take sides, some with Ron and some with Hermione. Things got so wild that the crowd got into it, and soon no one cared which side won the game.
Later, in the Gryffindor locker room, Harry asked the question. “Did we win?”
“Yes, don’t you remember catching the snitch at the end?”, Ron asked.
“I do kind of, but it was a little hard because of everyone being right there fighting where the snitch was,” he remarked. “It was a good thing everyone was so distracted, that’s probably why we won.”
“Well, maybe we should use that same tactic next time,” Ron remarked smartly.
“Don’t even think about it!”, Hermione glowered.
Elements for next challenge -
1. The event is the opening feast.
2. The sorting hat will sing a love song to Luna.
3. Hermione and Draco will share a butterscotch sundae.
4. The bluebird of happiness will fly up Snape’s nose.
5. There will be a spitball contest.