Originally Posted by
Ginny_Weasley_Potter oh my goodness... that was so.. DEEP. and touching. i love your poems, they dig deep. your style is very creative. can't wait for more poems. i loved the line from That Night At The Astronomy Tower:
She wouldnt have a chance to say..
that she loved him..
Day in..
And day out..
and Snape and Lily was really touching.
three cheers for xavier!
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Thank you...
Thank you my Luff....
And dont worry I will...
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Originally Posted by
firenjen Sorry i havnt posted for AGES!!!!
Dude Your Awsome!!!
A LOT!!!!!
mOREEEEE Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Its alright..
And Thank you...
Thank you soo very much...
Ok will do...
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Originally Posted by
SenoritaMaxie Good luck. ^^
My ShirShpots.<3 I miss him SO much, he'll always be SS's Resident Poem for me. Talked to him a couple of days ago. He says he might write more HP poetry for SS. :ballcap:
Anyway.... Back to this thread.
Nice, new poems. Can't wait for more!
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I know!!!!!!!!!
I loved SirSpots...
I looked up to him...
He was My idol...
Thats The Only reason Im here writing Hp Poems...
Its all because Of him..<3
And Thank you..
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Originally Posted by
SeerCassandraTrelawney Yes, you should enter the Sorting Hat Contest! Duh!
lol Sir Spots was good, but he hasn't posted in FOREVAH! *kicks pup*
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I entered But I know Im not going to win...
I only Had 30 mins...to think Of a Poem
and Post it Because It was SOOOOOOOO
Because I was In a Parade
For Tae-Kwon-Do..
And Also there was a festival and i wanted to hang out with my friends....
I know I want him to post poems!!!!!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by
Hermione<3Ron Why thank you kind sir! lol!!!
Yeahh!!! Can't wait for more posts from Xavierluffehh!!!
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And Dont worry a new one is on the way.......
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Hey guys
here is A short Poem...
Its not one Of those Long ones....
But here you go.....
Looking out
I see great mountains....
Beyond the Black lake............
So Beautiful...
But yet...
I never seemed to noticed It Before......
What A shame...
For I have been Missing Out on...
Mostly Everything.....
For I been caught...
In things...
That always Bubbled in my mind....
I see Harmless...
Unloved creatures....
They are not as much different from me...
I see them...
It makes me wonder...
Why I have hated all the Creatures in the world...
mostly all my life...
For I only incountered Werwolves....
And Some Dementors....
Ive seen a new side Of life...
And Of The world...
Then I see....
Strands of hair on her face...
Her Beautiful Smile...
It doesnt mean I havent thought
About her...
About us...
She is Different....
I am different...
Im a person...
She is A person....
I think Im In love with Her....
Her name is Ginny Weasley....
But Ive been so blinded from my life...
Ive been trying to save many others...
But Im done...
I have succeeded..
So Now Im finally...
Looking out....
I hoped You liked It...
This Poem Is deticated to all of you...
My Readers...
I love you...