Originally Posted by
Haha! That would have been so funny! I'm glad you got rid of her! Didn't like her too much!
I nearly put it in, but it was a bit of a tangent.
Originally Posted by
I love the flashback! Remus is so lovestruck!
I'm enjoying those flashbacks loads! And it's very odd you said lovestruck, I had Remus thinking that, but then I thought it would be better if he couldn't work it out!
Originally Posted by
I like Harry's comment about Teddy's hair! I couldn't help smiling - even in the seriousness of the situation! OMG! First Grindelwald, then Voldemort, now Morgana! Honestly, don't these people realise that they're doomed?! Poor Amelia! Glad she's ok. And she's Teddy's wife! *claps whilst jumping up and down* Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
I'm so glad that you like it! Have you noticed what kind of hair he keeps choosing?