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Old 08-15-2009, 12:30 AM   #757 (permalink)
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Kat tried to squirm out Keiths arm. What was with him?! He was acting so weird. "Keith let...go!" She said. "I can't breath!!!!" She said trying to push Keith away from her. But she stopped squirming when Keith said something about Kyla and how he wanted her talking about her. And slowly she released what was going on. "You drank a love potion didn't you!" She yelled, successfully squirming out of Keiths hug.

She turned around as she heard Kyla's voice. "How could you! You already took Pat away from her best friend, now you do this?" She yelled pointing at Keith. "And you wonder why we hate you." Kat started walking to the doors, opening it, but turning back to look at Kyla. "Your pathetic." And with that said, she ran out of the hospital wing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She ran into the common room, storming passed Trina and Pat and slamming the door to her dorm loudly. She collapsed on her bed, hugging her teddy bear. She wasn't really crying, but she felt like it.

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 08-15-2009 at 12:35 AM.
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