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Pfft.More like YOU Know you want it to happen,I'm way out of your leauge. Eww,Stating chicken as a dead bird was so cruel.You just made me vegaterian. she nodded firmly.Ugh,Clark was so immature,Okay so yeah Shana was like the queen of imatturness but he was immature about immature things.Ugh.No I really don't. seriously,he needed to take a hike.She rolled her eyes and sighed.Don't call Reese,Raisin around me,Raisins are like shrivvled up wrinkley little old people.And At this moment in time Reese is still my role model so yeah.I know! Thats what I Said then Hugo began to freak out. She went quiet for a few minutes as he asked who Jack was.He's a guy,or was.He was in my year,he passed aw- No he was murdered. she sighed.He had his momets of being nice I mean he tried to strangle Jake and all but he could be nice when he wanted to. she smiled and sat down next to Clark.Resting her hand on her palm she sighed.
"Because I totally want to marry you. Duh, no. One, I'm fourteen. Who gets married at fourteen? Except for like, really cool people." Clark crossed his arms.
"I can't help it! Reese sounds like Raisin. Shana Banana. Ok, it doesn't really rhyme, but I'm workin' on it!" he exclaimed. Then she told him about her friend who was murdered.
"Aww, Shan, I'm sorry. Wait, he tried to strangle Jake?" Whatev. We must not speak well of the dead.
"Are you okay?" he asked her.
"I...I..." he leaned in to Shana. And then he kissed her on the cheek.