I do not know if you're aware,
Based on what you see,
I'm the smarterst hat out there,
None other hat can beat me,
I can see past every wall,
There is nothing I can't see,
Hopes and dreams I see it all,
And that is only me,
If you just try me on,
I'll tell you were you belong;
You may be a Gryffindor,
Their bravery at heart,
Their nerve and courage and boldness,
Set these ones apart;
You may be a Hufflepuff,
So patient and so true,
Hufflepuffs are loyal,
That might just be you;
You might be a Ravenclaw,
If you have a sharp mind,
If you're very creative and very wise,
You are among your kind;
Last not least a Slytherin,
Ambitious and wants to acheive,
It'll take more than spell or two,
Slytherins have some tricks up their sleve;
To find out which one of the four you belong,
I don't bite,
So put me on,
And I will tell you,
I won't be wrong,
And that is that is that,
Do not fear-
I'm the sorting hat! 6
First Year Gryffindor:
Last edited by Droo; 01-08-2010 at 02:44 AM.