urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron
*SPOILER* AT LEAST ONE PERSON WILL DIE IN THIS STORY, BUT I CAN NOT TELL WHEN THAT PERSON WILL DIE OR WHO THAT PERSON IS. *SPOILER* Jess *gasps* Noo! Who is it?! Who is it?! That is so sad! I don't want anyone to die! I wonder who it is? Ooh! Bellatrix is an Inferi! Well, sort of. I think. Anyways. Voldemort is controlling her?! There's something weird about that guy. I hope someone from his side dies. It'll show him. Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
PS: I was too absorbed in your spoiler to say...NEW READER!
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