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Walking over to the ravenclaw table,Clark,Seriously.That boy needed to learn to control his emtions.She walked over to him and sighed.Lifting his head from out of his chicken by his hair she rolled her eyes.First of all,this is a bad waste of good chicken. she said picking the chicken up and letting go of Clarks hair,she wiped the chicken on her jumper and began to eat it.Second,you deafening. people! she sighed and shrugged.You better not cry when you have to leave my party,And besides,you should be happy your getting shut of this place,I am you'll be back soon enough to lesson.Aah. she rolled her eyes and smiled.
Shana just ate his chicken. Like, wha?
"You can have it, I licked it anyway." Clark shrugged.
"One, I'm not deafining people. You can hear me, right? Right? Right?" he asked her, eating mashed potatoes with a spork. It was the only way to eat them, really.
"Okay, and second, party? What party?" Ok, so there was a party. And he was going to this party. And he had no idea what Shana was talking about.
"And c, I don't want to leave, Hogwarts is the only place where two year olds don't steal my food. Apparently only second-years steal my food now. Hemph." Clark crossed his arms with the spork sticking out of his mouth.
"So, what was this about party?"