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Old 08-12-2009, 08:40 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Sloane W. Fordyce
First Year
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Ah, coffee! She wanted coffee, good. "How do you like your coffee, Minister?" he asked kindly, summoning a fancy mug of the Prophet's brew at the same time. The tall, thick brown mug came zooming to hover right by Reagan's elbow, almost bouncing with excitement for her to pick it up.

Rico almost winced at the over-enthusiastic mug - he always had been too fond of summoning charms - and then watched Taylor look around. "It's always bustling around here, or it should be if we're staying up to date with the latest wizard news." Rico nodded toward the employees and then glanced toward his corner office.

"I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time, Minister," he chuckled slightly and then gestured toward the office. "Would you like to speak in my office? The door will always be open for the Minsiter." Duh, he was like, a huuuuge Reagan fanboy.
Yum. Coffeeeeeee. Caffeine. Heaven. Reagan needed a pick-me-up in a mega way. Though she thoroughly enjoyed being Minister for Magic, it was an extremely exhausting job, particularly the part where she was trying to get caught up on correspondance with foreign Ministries that had been neglected during the campaign season. Sigh.

"Black, two sugars, please." When the mug zoomed near her, Reagan stepping back instinctively to avoid staining her new robes with splashed coffee but graciously accepted the mug into her hands. "Thank you, Rico. Your office would be perfect."

Originally Posted by Ama View Post
He was a little late, however, considering things Ian Hoshino found that he could be forgiven for a slight case of tardiness; especially since he was tardy for having to stop by for good coffee. The kind that was accustomed to being brewed in the Prophet's break room was enough to give him nightmares at thought and goosebumps at the mere mention. Therefore, he was ready to fight everyone off to defend his cup of coffee.

However, he was not prepared to see the Minister of Magic in their headquarters. Stopping in his usual strut, he held the large carton up of coffee high as if to defend it from possible attacks. "Good day," he announced to Reagan and his superior. Merlin, Rico was his superior now.

It was almost as bad as having to respond to females higher up the position ladder. "It's uh--" It's the Minister of Magic.

Fabulous. Words never failed him but they were right at the moment, so to avoid all possible awkwardness he brought the small slit of the cap on the cup of his coffee and took a sip. burned. Hissing underneath his breath, he cursed in French.
Reagan's brows raised in response to the barest of greetings. Hoping that this oh-so-eloquent man was not in charge of anything requiring the use of the English language at the paper, Reagan replied crisply, "And good day to you."

Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Ana held the papers close to her chest, praying that they wouldn't fall out. she was in a hurry, a big hurry, to get her articles done on time, as she had to leave early the next day and would be missing part of her work time. So her writing time was limited.

And she had to not only do some research but get an interview with the Minister for Magic herself... Merlin only knew how she was going to get hold of her.

She looked up upon reaching the waiting area... and promptly dropped all her papers. There, in front of her, was the very person she was supposed to interview... and she barely had her questions ready!

"Um... G-Good morning, Minister," she stammered, flushing as she bent down to pick up her papers, her dark hair obscurring her blushing face as she did so.

Trust Ana to make a scene of herself. And in front of the Minister, too!
Whoa! Someone was nervous in her presence! Being Minister certainly changed things, although... Reagan always had been an intimidating woman even before being elected. Returning the greeting with as cordial a response as she could muster, Minister Taylor said cheerily, "Good morning! Let me help you with those." Bending down to gather the last of the dropped paperwork, Reagan smiled kindly at Ana before handing the sheets of parchment to her.

Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle View Post
To say that Egypt Greenwood was happy was an understatement. The woman was absolutely glowing. She had received the owl about her promotion and that wasn't the only thing she happy about. Yes Egypt Greenwood was yet again pregnant. It was just like when she had Paris and then 9 months later she had Willow. Ben and Devon were 7 months now and crawling around great.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that she was again with child and it just added that special touch to her cheeks that made her glow.

She breezed into the office stopping and saying hello to everyone. It was then that she saw the newly elected Minister, to whom she wished her last pregnancy hadn't put her on the sidelines as her campaign manager.

"Minister Taylor," she smiled happily at her former colleague. "Congratulations on your victory. You fought the good fight with such grace and style. It was so heartwarming to support you." She had such respect for Reagan. Anyone who put up with Minster Copper and his wife without getting a life sentence in Azkaban deserved some sort of award.
Hearing a familiar voice, Reagan turned on her heel to find Egypt Greenwood standing behind her. "Ms. Greenwood, so very very nice to see you again! You look wonderful! Thank you for your support. My victory wouldn't have been achievable without people like you. I am more grateful than you can imagine." And she was. No joke.
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