The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. With a clanking sound that softly moved around him, William entered the great hall a bit nervously looking around for anything. Yeah he was still a bit paranoid after everything that had happened, but he was getting over it. He had actually survived his second year here, that had to account for something. The small potion phial that had once held his prize from potions class now hung around his neck empty except for glowing blue sand, something he had done himself.
Walking up to the table he smiled a bit as he sat down a few seats away from Elizabeth, knowing she'd probably want to be alone. His mind was whirling with thoughts that he couldn't turn off and he began to wonder what was going to happen now. He hadn't heard anything about professor Lupa or the headmaster and for a brief second he was sad before shaking his head and taking a goblet of pumpkin juice and sipping from it. No time to think of sad things, the summer was here and he was going on vacation.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |