SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Antonio wandered up towards the staff table, still in a bit of a daze after all the craziness that had ensued this term. It wasn't enough that four entire floors of the school, including his floor, had been completely flooded out by crazy merpeople and then magically restored (for which he was grateful, of course, as he loved his office and his little treasures), but now the headmaster had been attacked by a werewolf. To top it all off, that werewolf was none other than Professor Lupa, his colleague who he had always had the utmost respect for. She was such a nice woman, it was hard to imagine that this could have happened, but he had been there himself to witness it. He had been the one who had produced a group of bunnies to distract the wolf using the oppugno charm, and it had worked to a degree as they were later able to capture her.
But what was going to become of Professor Lupa and Headmaster Bontecou? As Antonio took a seat, he truly had no idea. Antonio had a feeling more bad things were to come, that things weren't going to get any better.
It had been a very bad year, Antonio shook his head sadly. His wife Bethany had left him for the last time. She just couldn't deal with him being away so much, having to teach at the school, and it was shocking that he had left their little daughter Antonia with him. It just showed irresponsibility, as far as Antonio was concerned. Perhaps it was his fault, though, maybe they married too young.
Antonio's mind was drifting. He focused on the moment once again, wondering who was going to deliver the end of term speech in the Headmaster's absence, if there was to even be one. He had an idea of who it would be, and wanted to see if he was correct.