Originally Posted by
imaginarynumb3rs That was a topic she could at least follow, but this next one, it was WAY out-in-orbit. Trying to follow these kinds of complex things was like trying to figure out why some people’s second toes where bigger than their big toe and why some people’s weren’t. Wesley didn’t get it. And more importantly, she had a strange feeling she didn’t want to (not that it wouldn’t be nice to understand the difference in second toe sizes). And this thing about girls being so important, she didn’t like that. She didn’t like the idea of being revolved around like the sun. It was creepy. But Professor Lawson was referring to boys, not girls. “Umm, sir? Is it the same way with ladies?” . Wesley hoped not. It was bad enough worrying about everyone. Worrying even more about males would make life so much more complicated. And it would give her a big headache. Wesley didn’t like headaches. They hurt.
Startled for just a moment when the young female Huffie spoke, Marcus turned to her and gave her a cheeky grin. "Not too sure I am the right person to be asking about the female mind." Cause you know he had such a great track record with women. Hence the reason why he was still single. "But I did notice when I was a teenager, you know way back when the dinosaurs were still roaming the earth..."he snorted softly as he looked between Wesley and Jake..."that girls did tend to notice boys a lot when they got to about sixteen and that was all they seemed to talk about."
Yep that about summed up his knowledge of females when he had been a teen, of course Marcus always had other things on his mind at the time. Mainly causing as much trouble as he possibly could at school without getting caught.
Originally Posted by
Zoerawrr "Oh... sorry," Jake mumbled, unaware that Lawson may be speaking to him trying to inject some wit. Bleh. He shrugged and picked a few more blades of grass, turning them over in between his fingers. Grass was... so blissful. Ohhhhhmmmmm.
"Hey! Why do you keep throwing grass at me?" Jake giggled, trying to sound indignant and failing miserably. He followed Lawson's gaze up to the sky and nodded. "I hope so. I... well, this is the first time I properly camped out. Like, technically..."
Hahaha, let's steer clear of that conversation.
Glancing over at Wesley, Jake realised a little too late that they'd been having the 'woman conversation' with one in the vicinity. Like... mega close.
Well... he hadn't said anything too incriminating... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight? He pulled up a bunch of grass and flung it at Jake and laughed like a mad man. "Because I can and because it's funny." Marcus grabbed some more for good measure and threw it at Jake again before looking back up at the sky. "Dude, this is not camping. I will show you camping. But not like when I was an auror and was staking out some dark wizards because that's not fun at all." Yeah sitting around for hours, sometimes days with not much to eat and not being able to move from his position, really sucked.
"What else have you got planned for the summer Jake?"