Thread: The Camp-Out!
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:04 AM   #519 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Antarctica! View Post
Kiri dropped the rest of her s'more when Raiden started to cough. In the relative silence of the warm night, where the noises of the fire and the students had, curiously, faded into the background, it sounded like a misfiring Muggle car. She didn't feel like searching the grass for it, but she did look for something else she'd brought along. Her half-empty bottle of pumpkin juice. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered, unscrewing the tap and proffering the bottle to Raiden. "Er, here... have some pumpkin juice."

She watched him closely as he tried to get rid of his cough. Unfortunately (at least for Kiri), soon Raiden was done spluttering and gasping, and he was looking at her in a way that made her want to crawl out into the night and hide because she was sure that he knew, knew! Kiri's own throat was very dry, and she regretted having suggested it in the first place. "Mmm," she managed, head spinning. She scooted closer to him. Now they were much closer.

"Hold still..." she murmured. She pulled the sleeve of her robes over her right hand and raised it to his face. Her left hand came up, too, trembling slightly. Kiri grabbed his chin gently. It felt as if her skin was being burned away from the flesh. She could not meet his eyes. A quavering sigh escaped her.
Then she rubbed the robes sleeve over his lips slowly, wiping the remaining marshmallow stuff away. Whenever the cloth moved, Raiden's lip was moved to and fro. In other circumstances, it might have looked funny, but Kiri's mind was, in essence, a complete blank.
Reaching for the bottle, Raiden took it before realising what Kiri was saying. Pumpkin Juice. He couldn't have that. He set the bottle down and shook his head slightly.

"I'm allergic," he explained, before his entire body froze up. Touching. Touching. Touching. Kiri was touching his face. "Uhm-"

Holding still was something he could do very well. Especially right now. Stomach churning, Raiden closed his eyes instead of staring at Kiri, who seemed to be determined to not stare at him as well. Natural reaction to the stomach flailing was to bite his lips, but as they were the main focus of Kiri's attention right now, he fought the urge.
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