Originally Posted by
Zoerawrr A whole range of insults and the like raged inside Jake's mind at Lawson's statement about being different, all in good fun, mind you, but Jake decided to keep his mouth shut to that one. He never knew how people would react.
Following Lawson's gaze to Wesley, Jake shook his head. "You'd know her. Dani. In Ravenclaw... and she was leaving anyway, and she didn't tell me 'til just after she slapped me... and..." he leaned in like Lawson had done. "What if I don't agree with them?"
"Better looking? No way dude," Jake said, one eyebrow raised. "You wish you had my youthful face... and my pink hair," he added as the man ruffed said hair.
"Ah yes Dani. I remember her. Took her to the hospital wing when she hit her head on the door in my office" he paused a moment as he remembered the incident. "She called me dad. Kinda freaked me out a little. I mean do I look like the father type to you?" Marcus shook his head slightly. He could barely look after himself half the time let alone a child.
Marcus snickered and kept his voice low. "Doesn't matter, if you wish to keep the peace just agree." And he would know because he had done a lot of agreeing in his time.
"Not too sure about the hair kid. I suppose it could cover up some of the grey hair that you students have given me this year." And boy had they ever given him grey hair. Of course the whole flooding thing hadn't helped either.