Got internet for a few minutes so I thought I'd sneak in ...
Neways, I've written ten pages on this story, more ... yeah, but it needs to be beta'd, hopefully soon. I will be back, oh, and Ali's birthday is on the 18th so ...

spam his inbox with birthday wishes on that day, yo!
And I will probably be posting the next update in this post cuz I don't wanna get in trouble for spamming so
I'm listening to "Details in the fabric" by Jason Mraz, go youtube it kids ... *sniffles*
Why can't life ever be easy? Why must we suffer? Why are the people we love often the cause of the greatest pain in our hearts?

those are themes of this story ... yeah, and have nothing to do with how I feel right now ... yeah, this story.
Back soon, HERE, with a post.
♥ peace out kids!
EDIT 1: Told you all to keep an eye on this post ...
Today's moment of Zen:
We forge our happiness today through the sorrows of our past mistakes ...
EDIT 2:The revenge of the Edit Seriously pay attention ... LOL R/L yay!

Maybe ... I also ship L/D & D/G so ... I'm not saying so stop asking ...