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SenoritaMaxie "We're still going to have fun," Fyo said, pointing to her robes which were, though now free of the mud, not much cleaner because uncountable grains of dry sand were sticking to them like mad. "I like being a little dirty, occasionally, but we couldn't have gone stampeding around the place like the muddy things we looked, you know!" After all, there was a huge difference between being covered in sand - which Fyo loved - and being covered in wet mud.
Which was ..... not always nice.
"I like Butterfly," he laughed, flopping, back down, on to a "clean" portion of drydryDRY sand. "No matter what she looks like."
Alice looked down at her clean robes. Now clean. They were still had plans in hand. Funny plans. Playing in sand, prolly a big sandcastle this time or some kind of sculpture. Who knows? She smiled, "Seems you have some ideas already." Her eyes focussed on his face, desperate to get a hint from his expressions.
He loved her, no matter how she looked like. Amazing. A proof of a noble heart of her Lion.
Alice beamed, "I Love you Fyo" her eyes on his face now, glinted in happiness.