Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad This is a VERY beautiful story. Very touching, as another reader pointed out before. This FanFic has made me tear up a LOT in the beginning, and the only kind of stories that do that to me are the heartfelt ones. This is really something. I love the chapters you've posted so far, and cannot wait to see what comes next.
You're a great writer, by the way. And since the first chapter I've had a feeling I know what those orbs are, which makes me want to cry Some things I HAD to comment on: Quote:
“Oh, you silly girl, have you forgotten what Sirius said about those Acid Pops? He told you that you’d really like them and what happened?”
“They burned a hole in my tongue.” Nymphadora frowned. She would need a really good hex to get Sirius back for that.
 I can SO see that. Too cute, too funny.
Have I mentioned yet how I LOVE how you mention others, in little but wonderful ways like this?: Quote:
A tiny version of Oliver Wood was making spectacular saves in front of the goal hoops.
Cause I do. 
Also, how you keep tradition. Like Hagrid giving Teddy the owl for his 11th birthday, just like he had Harry. Quote:
“Mate, the holes have got holes. You’re in serious danger of mooning someone! And that hair, I mean, forest green? It looks like a cheap dye job. ”
LOL. Gosh, they remind me of the Marauders!  Quote:
“Come on Teddy, come and meet a friend of mine…”
Remus took his son outside to look at the constellation of Sirius.
I'm still catching up, currently on chapter six, but thought I might as well comment now. Really, really nice, m'dear. *goes back to reading*
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |