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"That's my favorite except I like a little meat on my pizza ya know?" Pietro really wanted pizza now. Crap. "You go to Venice!? That's where I usually spend my summers! My parents' house is there! This summer I'll be in Sorento, though. That's where my Aunt lives." This summer Pietro would try to go outdoors as much as possible. The sunshine was great and it made his aunt mad when he wandered away from the estate.
"I dunno..I like meat...but...cheese is awesome. I loove cheese! And it's fun to say..and OH MY GOODNESS! When I went to America once, we went to a muggle store and they had cheese in a CAN! And you could SQUIRT IT! It was sooo awesome!" Ahh....it had been gooey and salty and cheesey...cheeeeesseee...
"EEP! Sorento! I have a cousin who lives there! That's my favorite place to visit cuz my cousin is soo much fun!" She remembered going there last spring. Her cousin, Paolo had taken her all around on a motor scooter dealy bobber. Goood times.