House Elves Who Want Change #1 Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
If nothing else, Anna Greingoth was a talker. She always had been and probably always would be. This sort of final exam was pretty much right up her alley, so to speak. She sat still and quiet and listened as a few of her classmates spoke on various viewpoints concerning house elves. Earlier, she'd decided to speak on house elves who are happy with the way things are, but as the debates progressed, she'd quickly changed her mind. House elves who want change, it was. She had a few ideas in mind, and as she listened to Kiri speak, she decided that she'd probably just go ahead and take her turn next. May as well get part of this over with.
As Kiri's speech came to an end, Anna stood and made her way to that podium in the front of the room. Did she really need to introduce herself? She felt kind of odd doing so, since just about everyone in the room already knew her. Nevertheless, if doing so made her speech seem professional and cool, she'd do it. "Hi, I'm Anna Greingoth, and I'm speaking on behalf of house elves that want change. My concern is that most, if not all, house elves secretly feel as if change is needed, but due to the status that has been placed upon them, they are afraid to speak up and say so," she said.
"From what I can tell, house elves are very aware of the fact that they are seen as creatures who exist only to serve. They are taught to punish themselves when they do wrong or go against the will of their master. I'm afraid that often times house elves push their true feelings aside out of fear of disobeying their masters," she continued. "Not all masters are harsh and cruel, but even still, house elves don't wish to defy any of them at all. What if some or all house elves want change, but they are afraid of speaking up and possibly having to punish themselves for taking a stand? It's possible that there are elves out there, like the great Dobby, who wish for a way out. Perhaps we could implement a way for them to share their feelings without the fear of being punished. We just might find that some of them don't wish to feed us, clean up after us, or wait on us hand and foot."
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