House Elves Happy with the Way Things Are Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean Oooh. Public speaking. Vanessa was kind of good at this. As two of the students in the class spoke, Vannie looked down at her notes, making sure that she had written down everything that she wanted to. After they had finished speaking, she made her way to the front of the class, ready to speak.
"Hey Guys. I'm Vanessa Corbette, and I'm going to be speaking about how House Elves are happy with the way things are." She smiled at them. Okay this was a little daunting. She glanced down at her notes again, looking at the first point on the list. "I believe that most house elves are happy with what they are doing, the majority most likely. For example the hogwarts house elves have been here in the class for a large number for years. The house elves were placed here by Helga Hufflepuff, the founder of the hufflepuff house, and she arranged for the house elves to work in the kitchens of Hogwarts where they would be safe from being mistreated or abused. I think that in the time that Helga Hufflepuff was alive this would have been a very good contract for the house elves, as they would have a safe home, where they were able to work, without having the to live in fear."
Vannie took a breath, before carrying on. "Another point to back up this previous one is that the House elves are still here, many years after Helga Hufflepuff arranged for them to work here. Does that not show that the house elves are happy to work here, that they are being treated properly? Surely if they were not happy they may have spoken and told someone about it?" She nodded, folding up her paper of notes, and looking at the final one.
"Finally, from what I have read Albus Dumbledore, a previous headmaster of Hogwarts offered the house elves that worked in the kitchens of Hogwarts wages...which shows that someone did care about the well being of the house elves. I believe that there may be more people like Dumbledore in the world, who are willing to help the house elves.
Overall I believe that in someways the house elves, not just the ones at Hogwarts, may be happy with the way things are, and it could be dangerous if things changed. Just imagine what would happen to the Hogwarts House Elves if they left Hogwarts..."
__________________ It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix 
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain |