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Old 08-08-2009, 12:15 PM
Con_Stripes Con_Stripes is offline
Default History of Magic Final

You enter the room to see it has been divided in two with an aisle up the middle and desks on each side, quills and parchment are provided and a podium is at the front of the classroom for you to make use of.

The blackboard has instructions for your assessment written on it.

History of Magic Final Exam

Your final is an interactive debate, you need to choose a side to represent, and decide on your stance for the debate topic. You need to make at least three points to support your stance and respond to the points of at least one and no more than three other people. (you won't necessarily earn a better grade for responding to more than one person, or for making massively long posts; it's quality not quantity that is important.)

The subject is: Wizarding support for House- elf rights

You may represent the viewpoint of any of the following (as yourself, but speaking on behalf of one of these);

The office of House- elf Relocation


house elves that are happy with the way things are

house elves that wants change

Witches and Wizards that do not support house elf rights

you do not have to choose a viewpoint or a stance that you actually support!

ooc instructions;

a minimum of three posts is required for your final, there is no length requirement. Any extra posts will be considered if the first three posts do not earn you at least an A grade, otherwise if it will take extra posts, add a little ooc note at the bottom like so:

ooc: continued in next post.

you may respond to anyone who is not representing the same group as you.

post your chosen group in the title for each post you make

marking is out of 20 points and this is how it is divided up:

first post: /5

second post: /5

third post: /5

extra: /5
- stance shown in posts
- viewpoint is clear
- extra credit for creativity and/or canon support

You may RP your character entering and leaving the exam room, but any chatting will automatically result in a point deduction.

all SS rules apply at all times and always respect other members

To submit your final you do NOT need to PM me with the details of it (since its all right here in the exam thread for me) But if you have any questions at all you are more than welcome to PM me or hit me up on MSN

I'm going to estimate that you guys have 48 hours from the date and time this thread is posted, but I might let it go a little longer, it all comes down to how much time I have for entering your results.

Final point; don't over do it. Try to keep your posts and answers IC as best as you can, keep your character's age and ability in mind!