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Eyes wide at the onslaught of apologies, Jake froze for a second and blinked at Wesley, tilting his head at her, before smiling a litte again. He nodded, moving his fingers in a kind of Freddie Krueger wave before glancing at his hand. "It doesn't really hurt... because I already was kind of slapped today... it's like... balancing it out," he grinned dopily, eyeing the marshmallow residue still on his hand and figuring it couldn't hurt to try a leeeeeeeeeeettle.
"Hospital wing? Nah... I-"
Oh! It wasn't paralized! Wesley let out a deep breath and slightly smiled as Jake moved his fingers.
Thank goodness.
But her smile soon vanished as she heard about how he had been slapped.
I didn't do that did I? she questioned. At this point, Wesley wouldn't have been surprised if any and every injury to Jake Upstead had been caused by her and by her alone. But...she was farely certain she hadn't slapped him. She hadn't even talked to him, and he had used the word today, and it was technically already tonight, so surely it hadn't been her.
Biting her lip, the first year took a closer look at his face. Sure enough, one of his cheeks was bright red. It didn't look like it would bruise, but if it was hurting him, and it had happened a while, then that couldn't be good. He really did need medical attention.
Watching Jake nibble at his marshmallow coated hand, the Hufflepuff couldn't help but think that wasn't very safe. After all, she had been roasting it on a random stick. She didn't know where it had come from, what had happened to it. And also, how did she know that the water produced with Aguamenti was clean? Didn't water usually have to be treated first? But she before she could state her opinions, he was already done.
Well, a little couldn't hurt, could it? It's not like it could kill him, she thought to herself, trying to comfort her increasing dread.
As he began to deny visiting the hospital wing, Wesley opened her mouth to contradict him. But then she remembered that when she had fainted he had been the only one who had wanted to do what she wanted to do. Instead of telling her, insisting on her to visit the nurse, he had helped her over to the sofa. He had worked with her. So Wesley was going to go with Jake wanted to do. Maybe she'd get him some cold drink he could hold. There had to be something like that in the picnic baskets, right?
And then, he twitched.
Like, not just there's a fly by my ear, and I'm twitching to get rid of it, more like: I'm having a seizure and am going to die twitch.
Wesley stared, wide eyed. That wasn't...natural.
"Jake! Are you okay!?" she exclaimed, trying to figure what was wrong. Mentally hitting herself in the head, she realized what a stupid question she had asked.
Obviously he wasn't okay! Trying to ask a more constructive question, she questioned,
"What's wrong?"
Was it the burn? The slap? The water? Stress due to finals? The contaminated marshmallow?