Originally Posted by
Caroline raised her head a moment after Ogden stuck his own into the room.
It was Ogden. You don't forget the face of someone you left at the altar. You certainly try though.
She briefly flirted with the idea of pretending she didn't remember him. Ask if she could help him, what he was doing. If (heaven forbid) he was the person who had come inspect her and clear her.
She wasn't infected after all. She just looked suspiciously like the victim of a werewolf attack. Only... less... ripped apart, than her boss lying on the bed next to her.
But the problem with her little plan to pretend she didn't know him, was that was it would hurt him. And she had probably done enough of that.
Which is why instead, the best she could do was to twist her fingers, with dried blood still caked under her nails and in the lines of her palms, into her very dishevelled hair.
"Um..." she said, "what are you doing here?"
Oh that was nice Caroline.
The answer to
that question was far too complex to even begin. INDEED what was Ogden doing here? Ogden had heard that the full moon brought out the crazies and the more
interesting accidents to Mungo's, but this ... this was FULL load of crazy.
Ogden opened his mouth a few times to answer, but failed with each attempt.
Originally Posted by
Pepe was just starting to come round to some semblance of consciousness when Ogden came in. His eyes were still closed and he wasn't really conscious enough to form a coherent thought or know what was going on, but he did catch a little of what was said. What are you going here? "Dunno," he mumbled. Ugh, that hurt. He choked a little and that hurt even more.
Crap. Was... was this one about to change? Ogden hadn't ever seen a change, and this wasn't even his FLOOR.. "If he is about to change, I'm going to have to ask you to step out, Caroline. I have an extra uniform in my locker. You should use it." Merrrf. Without a second glance at his bloody mess of an ex-fiance, Ogden moved over to the Headmaster's bed, crossed his arms, and willed him to just... be still and not vomit or bleed or do anything out of the ordinary.