Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker
Kazimeriz nodded once. "You are under quarantine until the lunar phase changes. Then you shall be released. Alessia..." his face softened as he looked into her sweet tear-stained eyes. "...we do not live in the dark ages. You will not be sentenced for something that was beyond your control. There will, undoubtedly, be a review, and I am equally certain that new safeguards will be put in place to protect students and staff alike during your ...contagious period. But I do not expect legal recourse to be taken, much less a dementor's kiss. You are ill, and the fault was not yours, my dear." He put his gnarled, arthritic hand up, placing his palm against the barrier on the other side of hers. The barried glowed between their hands, preventing contact. But it was the closest he could get to comforting her as he longed to do.
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