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Old 08-05-2009, 07:26 PM
Droo Droo is offline
Default St. Mungo's Sieve

A beam of sunshine shone through Alessia's window in the hospital. Her eyes fluttered as a smile appeared on her face. She felt... good... not totally, I mean the transformation, the bones breaking the flesh stretching... she was very achy, but her tummy was not screaming at her and the best part was that she couldn't remember the transformation...

... Oh No...

She sat up but her wrists and legs were restrained. She was wearing a hospital gown and there was a magical barrier around her side of the room. She looked at the restraits better and she saw that she could release herself from them, as long as she had on opposable thumb.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror... Brown straight hair... She shuddered. Where was her wand? No wand. What had happened... there was a cage... the kids would have been safe. Right? She released herself and got up wincing from the pain in her body. "Hello?" She called out. "Can someone tell me why I'm here?"