Desperate - Sa13+ ♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ 
Made by: Sarah! [ImAGrape] Thank you! Hello again!!! This is Jess(Jessica) and Cae(Caley)! This is Jess's 3rd Fanfiction and Cae's 1st! Please read and review! Oh and check out Jess's other stories too! Disclamer: The characters, as well as the Harry Potter universe, belong to J.K. Rowling. Except for Savannah Hensel, she belongs to us! Chapter 1 He wanted her. He, Draco Malfoy wanted Hermione Granger. He clenched his fists as he watched Weasley press his lips against hers. She was with Weasley and he could do nothing about it. What did Weasley have that he didn't have?
"A poor family." he mumbled under his breath.
Savannah looked up from her plate of chicken.
"What did you say Draco?" she asked. Draco glared at her.
"Oh, Granger isn't it?" Savannah asked and Draco sighed but nodded. Savannah rolled her aqua eyes.
"She is with Weasel-bee, get over it Draco!" she said sternly. Draco let out a grunt.
"He doesn't deserve her! I do! I mean ever since that night in the corridor I can't stop thinking about her. 4 Months Before...
I was walking down the corridor after the battle had taken place. Voldemort was dead. Killed by the famous Potter. What was I supposed to do now? Most of the Slytherins were dead. Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise were dead. My parents are dead. Who else? I stopped by the wall and slid down it. I put my head into my hands as I thought of what to do. *trip*
"Who's there?"
"Ohh hello Granger fancy seeing you here. Aren't you supposed to be helping Potter and Weasle-bee to clean up the deatheaters?" I said smirking.
"Shut up Malfoy! Why don't you go and help them!?! I mean what are you supposed to do now? Everybody hates you even the Slytherins since they think you betrayed them, when you came onto the light side." Hermione said.
I clenched my fists and shot up. I grabbed onto her cloak and pushed her into the wall. Before I could say anything I saw her face. It had scratches and bruises everywhere. I saw a glimmer coming from her neck that the light shone. I moved her hair away and there was a long scar with dried blood on it. I hated that night. I had watched her get tortured by Bellatrix and yet Bellatrix is still alive.
Hermione moved away and whimpered. She looked one last time at me with tears in her eyes and ran the opposite way. End of Flashback...
I was about to say Hermione's name again when Savannah took me out of the daydream. *snap*
"Come on! Stop thinking about Granger and walk with me to potions!" Savannah said.
I sighed but got up looking at the Gryffindor table one last time. She wasn't there.
As we were walking down the corridor I saw Neville coming up to Savannah. He probably likes her. I snickered and left the two alone.
While walking on his way to the dungeons, he could already see Ron walking to potions, with Harry by his side.
"You are with Hermione, Ron!" Harry said and Ron shrugged his shoulders.
"Doesn't mean I can't think other girls are hot." Ron said, Draco could feel his hand shaking, who could be any better looking than Hermione?
"But it's Savannah Hensel, Ron, a bloody Slytherin!" Harry mumbled. Draco's eyes grew large. He knew not to say anything.
Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 04-12-2010 at 02:44 AM.