Technically technical all the time Bookaholic Headmaster Bontecou was also keeping a careful eye on the moon. He was already standing ready near the cage when Less made her announcement. While she made herself comfortable (well, as comfortable as one could be) he made a little speech to the assembly to explain the precautions. "As Professor Lupa secures herself and takes her potion I would just like to address the reason for the cage. While the wolfsbane potion will keep the werewolf sane enough to transform among others, we felt it was in the best interest of the safety of those assembled if we went overboard with the precautions, just in case. However, please let me assure you that under these carefully controlled conditions there is nothing to fear. I also ask that you please be respectful of what you are about to see and if you cannot observe with maturity, please excuse yourselves from the room at this time."
After finishing his speech, the headmaster turned his back on the students and whispered to Lupa, "What is it? Do you want a screen for the actual transformation itself and then we can show your wolf?" he asked, hands wrapping around the bars of the cage. He was completely free of fear.
Blast from the past! |