SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady
Antonio had slipped in quietly and unnoticed, which was fine. The strangest thing possible had happened, the castle was no longer flooded, everything all the way down to the dungeon level was now completely dry and most miraculous of all, his entire classroom and office were totally undamaged by the flood waters. The merfolk truly possessed a powerful magic, one he wished he knew more about.
And now, some of the professors were holding a general assembly about werewolves along with the Headmaster. Something had drawn him to come here and listen, even though he wasn't technically obligated to be here. Well, it was a subject one could always learn more about, that was for sure. It never hurt to become familiar with magical beings, one never knew when one might encounter one of them.
Antonio sat back and began to relax, taking in the subject of the meeting. It was just a relief that all the drama was over, and he was glad he didn't have to stand up and teach right now.