♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07 "It's Lynny remember! No more Aislynn!" She laughed. "It is pretty nifty." She looked at it closely. It's incredibly shiney. She could stare at it for hours. "It would be a nice back scratcher!" She laughed. "This is the coolest thing next to my stick-a-ma...I mean wand! Maybe furious broom man will forget the whole meeting ordeal with that Professor Kaziwhatzit when I show him this!" He rolled his eyes. "Lynny. Sorry. And I don't think you want to use it as a back scratcher." This girl was so random. "Well, I have no idea what Professor Vindictus will say about it." He might get mad that she put herself in danger. |