Originally Posted by
Mermen with Tridents One of the mermen screamed out loudly once again -
Dani dove toward the screaming merman on her broom, and yelled,
"Stupefy!" aiming for his chest. She tried not to get too close to him. It was cocky of her, but she figured she had got him, so she turned and went after another.
Originally Posted by
Merwomen with Spears The merwoman screamed an earpiecing sound. She was angry now... he had his stick on her! How DARE he!!! How dare he prevent her from doing her king's bidding. She dove quickly under the water and found his glasses. As she emerged again, she broke them against the wall with her slimey hands...
And she dove back down... He was Aornos' prey... not hers.
Flying over, Dani placed herself between the merwoman and the now glasses-less Headmaster.
"Are you okay Headmaster?" She asked him, her wand aimed at the chest of the merwoman just as Professor Vindictus had told her. She did not like the fishy people.