Thread: Harry Potter: Human Nature ... - Sa13+
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Old 07-31-2009, 05:47 PM   #29 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

Oh how I love stopping in for three posts!

I just love how you write Dumbledore. If I tried to quote I would be quoting the whole update. Excellent and I can't wait for more details on Sebastian.

Next chapter is for Si & Lissylove cuz they remind me of Abra Abra Cadabra ... I want to reach out and grab ya

I heat up, I cant cool down
You got me spinnin
round and round
round and round and round it goes
Where it stops nobody knows

I love how Ron is pondering Hermione and Luna. I can't wait to see where the ships go!

It was obvious that the girls were madly in love, either with boys or the idea of love, but the love part was easily lost given the fact that Ron believed girls to normally be mad.

“If I wanted you dead, you would be,” the boy standing there smiled. He was a handsome boy, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a wicked grin. To Ron’s way of thinking this was the kind of guy that he and all the regular boys hated, cocky, smart, and just plain annoying, someone who woke up in the morning and didn’t have to care if he impressed anyone because he simply did it just by being.
I like him already, but of course I can't help it.

“I’m sorry Harry, but Sirius is dead,” the brown haired boy remarked, putting a hand on the other boy’s shoulder.

The boy looked at Harry curiously, “I told you. My name is Nicholas Black. I’m Sirius Black’s son.”

As the eternal chess game of life played on, one character revealed himself meanwhile, another still hid in shadows, on the great continent in the beautiful city of Paris an old style muggle phone rang. The boy left off eating the chocolate covered crystallized pineapples. The box was heart shaped and the note on it read, “Relish your victory, for now. Love, Ottery St.”

And of course I need more. *greedy*

Author's End Notes: Isabella is being a brat so ... *sighs* she's an easy lover, get a hold on you believe it, like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees the 80's pwn this fic. See you guys in a while ... keep cool or warm depending on your half of the hemisphere, no? Back laterz.
My toddler just nodded off on my lap, so I needs be getting up. I loved the updates and look forward greatly to your return. and *loves*

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