Next bit...

i like this one
even tho its short, but sometimes good things come in small packages
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Dumbledore sat alone in his office, watching the billowing, ruby encrusted sun sink just beyond the mountains. He sighed – it was sundown, and his visitor was late.
But why was he even getting involved?
This is too much for an old man to handle, he thought.
Too much emotion, too much strain on an already torn up heart.
He got up fluidly and walked to his pensieve. Raising his wand to his temple, he extracted the memory he needed and dropped it delicately into the stone basin, where the contents swirled and sank, revealing for a brief second the crumpled and lost Severus Snape kneeling in front of the mirror.
Pity filled his heart as he remembered. The mirror had caused so much hurt already. Why would Snape go looking for it again? Surely he must have known what he would see. It was all so unnecessary. The pain for one thing must be unbearable. Why relive it?
And he remembered the night when Severus had found out that Lily was dead. No reaction like that could come from a school boy crush. No, he thought, this was love. Love in its rawest form. Engulfing and enveloping every rational thought. He felt sympathy for Severus, but something else flickered in the depths of his soul.
No matter how hard, how painful it was, there was a small part of Albus Dumbledore that wished he could have experienced love in that way before. He had experienced every other type of love – love of relations, of friends, but never the pure need that Snape had felt about Lily.
Breathing another deep sigh, he walked back behind his desk and sat down. Fawkes gave a low murmur from her position on her perch.
“I know,” cooed Dumbledore, “
I hope he comes too.” He gave the phoenix a small smile.
Dumbledore waited in silence, watching the door until a small, tentative knock broke through the quiet.
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oh i love old dumbly