Originally Posted by
dingDong Aaaaand someone thought he had a point! "I do?"
Cam DIDN'T really understand what the boy was thinking, those words just merely blurted out of his own mouth but the Hufflepuff was thinking up of something.
Stupid merpeople and their spears and tridents. HMMPPH When were they going to leave?! AND WAS THE HEADMASTER EVEN IN HIS OFFICE? What if the man was taking a nap?? Was their something else important in the room other than the Headmaster himself?!
"Yes," Varius merely said, "You did." Because upon further thought he decided that the merpeople simply using magic was much better than having pointy weaponry AND have the ability to use magic if they liked. Dealing with one thing at a time anyway -- this was a fight, not a strategic game of battle ships, afterall.
Originally Posted by
"I would mind that, actually," Bunbury stiffly answered the mermish-speaking boy. "And I would know, too, you know, because I know Mermish and all." Riiiiight she did. "And then I would tell the merpeople to... uh..."
She was not the best liar in the world, especially not when it came to a dire situation like sacrificing shoes.
Aha, saved from answering Tipps by another student! "NO, Daniel, that sounds like a terrible idea," she frowned at the boy. "We don't want to antagonize them anymore, we're on the DEFENSE. And I don't even want to know how or why you know spells like that." Merlin, it sounded like an Unforgivable!
"Oh yes, of course," he winked at her, patting her on the back. "Just so you know... I didn't really offer you up for sacrifice... just in case you were still worried... not that you were worrying before, of course," she very well could have been and he didn't want to worry a Professor during such a crisis.
Unforgivable indeed! He agreed with Bunzface, moving away from the Gryffindor -- all of a sudden terrified of being on THIS side of the battle.