Thread: The Sandbox
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Old 07-30-2009, 05:19 AM   #664 (permalink)
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Mercedes A. Finklestein
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Chris laughed at how excited Livvy got when he reached for his pocket for a bucket! He then thought for a moment, this is Hogwarts so technically its possible.

He tried not to laugh at Livvy's slightly disappointed face at the idea of him not having a shovel. "It's ok Livvy we can figure it out."

Chris made a faked face of shock when she scoffed at his wet sand idea. He filcked the rubberband at her and said "Well excuse me Queen of Sand Castles," he chuckled. "Do you have any better ideas?"
Livvy sniffed and stuck her nose into the air. That boy... always messing with her. When would he realize that she was too delicate to mess with? 'Delicate' and 'Livvy'? Ha! Who knew they would be put together in a sentence? Weeiiiirdd. Then again... it's not like SHE hadn't messed with HIM.

Alright... Chris was forgiven...

Livvy rolled her eyes at Chris as he faked a look of shock. PUH-leeeaaseeeee! Been there! Done that! "Hey! Excuse me!" she said, as she rubbed the spot on her arm that had been damaged by the rubber band that Chris so kindly flicked at her.

"As a matter of fact, Mr. Ignorant Potter... I do. We go ask Masterson if he's got any! He built the sandbox... so he should be prepared to hand out buckets and shovels!" Livvy reasoned, placing her hands on her hips. If the man wasn't prepared... then... too bad. He should've thought of how he was gonna supply them sand utilities when he first built the sandbox.
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