Slytherin are not willing to give up so easily, they want to get to the finals to get that winning streak going full throttle. They make a neat toss and clip the red stone, knocking it out of the way and nudging the grey stone closer to the circle boundary.
Round 8 Score
Question 1: Gryffindor
Question 2: Slytherin
Match Score
Gryffindor - 3 rounds (1, 4, 5)
Slytherin - 4 rounds (2, 3, 6, 7)
Round 8: Question 3
Subject: Muggle Studies
Level: Difficult
If you have 200 US Dollars and exchanged it into Wizarding money using the exchange rate of 9.4, purchased a packet of self-shuffling cards, A box of edible dark marks and a reusable hangman from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley, how much would you have left over when you convert it back to US Dollars?
(ooc: use this link for the exchanging)