Varius had come down the grand staircase from the fifth floor where he had been serving his detention in the Potions lab. Professor Kazimeriz had told them to investigate, right? Well he didn't realise he would be investigating scary FISHES with weapons! And his fellow students, and his teachers fighting! Even Nurse Avalon was there and she shouldn't be subjected to all of this at her age -- it wasn't easy being, like, 120 years old!
Varius slowly reached for his wand, moving slowly towards to bigger group of Hogwartians, taking a nice position just behind Bunbury. He had been here long enough to know they weren't supposed to attack, just defend, but he couldn't help but think they weren't gonna get anywhere unless they turned these fish into SUSHI!
But, if these people were merfolk and talking mermish like Professor Kazimeriz had uttered upstairs, how had he not been able to recognise it? Well, it had been a SHRIEK that's why! When Varius had learned mermish, he had learned it from french merfolk on a holiday his mother took him. Scubadiving with the merpeople! It had been awesome! And he supposed when he was underwater... and with the accents the french merfolk would of had... it would make it unrecognisable almost? They should really take note from the french, their grindylows AND merfolk were just SO much nicer.
Stepping forward, nervous, he muttered toward the nearest of the merpeople,
Sure, he had a little accent inherited from where he learned the language, but it should still have been obvious... hopefully. Other languages apart from mermish that Varius knew, was troll (in a german accent) and italian thestralian. His mother had always maintained he would get paid a bundle for being multi-lingual, but he had only used this sort of knowledge for playing Mermaids and Trolls! Namely with himself... and his toys... like a loner...
He added. Probably better to get their side of the story too, no? And maybe... just make them THINK they were co-operative?
Once he finished the last part of his message, he looked up worryingly at Professor Bunbury, "Shouldn't we try and disarm them, at least? Get those horrible spears out of their hands... it might help us... WIN." Just because they could communicate didn't mean they weren't going to be any less aggressive and the LOOK in their eyes were ferocious! Terrifying! The french had been much more politer! Hmph. Stupid merPEOPLE!