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Lari (haven't seen you in ages love ♥ my next chapter is for you, but only if it doesn't suck)
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Author's Note:
As promised, these posts are lovingly dedicated to Lari.

But only if they don't suck.

I know! I mished you! And Kelly too *pokes her*
OMG! *faints* Yay! Of course they won't suck! Otty fics never suck!

Tonks!!!! Dumbledore!!! I love it already
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“Just the same, if you’re not out in an hour I’m popping in and blasting everything until I find you,” the girl replied with less gusto than she would have wanted. Her words seemed less powerful and she herself seemed distracted.
This is so Tonks. I love it.
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“We’ve argued these philosophies for a long time old man,” the stranger said looking away.
“For a very long time, Sebastian, but I remain …”
“I know. Ever hopeful,” the man laughed a little, the sarcasm as clear as Dumbledore‘s stance.
I really love this conversation

Especially Dumbledore's attitude. Sebastian seems really cool...Dumbledore's equal in a way o_O.
OMG! I love the banner...

Yay! Ron's the main character?

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Ron believed girls to normally be mad.

Yay! I love the narrative at the beginning of the post

It has a really playful tone.
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Ron Weasley didn’t know why exactly that was, they were always arguing about everything. But the odd thing was, it was infinitely more pleasant to argue with Hermione about anything than it was to spend time having anyone agree with everything he said.
Too cute for words
Snoozlefoo...nice touch
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“One of the drawbacks of being a werewolf,” the boy smiled without the slightest sign of being ashamed.

I've got to say, your original characters are way too interesting. *examines them with a magnifying glass*
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The boy looked at Harry curiously, “I told you. My name is Nicholas Black. I’m Sirius Black’s son.”
HOLY EARS! Sirius has a son? Who doesn't seem to be that phased about his Dad dying?
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The voice on the other end of the phone crackling and mysterious simply said, “They’ve caught him. The Hong Kong triads have him. They wish to side with Lord Voldemort in the war. If you don’t act soon, the boy’s dead. Consider this a friendly nudge.”
Scratch that question about the Triads. I get it now

Tres scary, though

Oh I mean very...teehee!
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It was only the finely crafted and well thought out traps that he liked to play. He liked a challenging adversary.

Angel reminds me of "L" or "Near" from Death Note. I like him
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“Because Love’s funny. Save him or don’t. I’ve done my part.” Click.
The mysterious caller's in love with Teddy?
It's too bad you don't have access, I can't wait for the next posts. In any case, you've made up for it with these three posts

Good luck without the internet
I would die and have a safe trip