Originally Posted by
If he locked that Gryffie boy up, chances were he'd miss something EPIC. And no matter how cared he was of the water, Clifford didn't want that. Nuh uh. "Just.. don't go tackling it anymore, mate," he mumbled, a little miffed that the boy had puked up on him.
Stopping the flailing and backing away a little, Clifford raised his wand again. He'd just.. stay near the back now..
Right.. in case anything attacked from behind.
"Yea, okay." Nathaniel grinned at the Head Boy. He stood up next to Clifford and pulled his wand out.
He put his back to the wall and waited for the Meridiots to do something.
Originally Posted by
Oh BunburyBunBUTT had had more than enough of that Gryffindor's smart mouth. "THAT'S ENNNNNOUGH!"
She didn't even hesitate to cast langlock on the boy - after all, they'd rushed from DADA to here and he was absolutely deserving to be tongue-tied.
Yep, Nathaniel had gone TOO far. His tongue felt like it was GLUED to the roof of his mouth. He shot BunButt an evil glance.