Cela started with the Henbane smoke since it was the most dangerous part of her potion and it would be best to have it all ready to go. She put her gloves on and up turned a jar over the leaf. She lifted the jar slightly and prodded the leaf with her wand, casting enough of a spark for the leaf to smoulder. Once it had burned away and she had caught the smoke, Cel sealed the jar and vanished all other traces of the henbane.
She peeked over at Kazimeriz as she put the jar to one side, adding a careful label to it. She prepared her other ingredients too; slicing and measuring, then arranging them in front of her. That was in the notes, to prep everything. She combined the minced Valerian root, the glumbumble fluid and lavender oil and left it to sit.
Cela measured the water and the aloe juice out and wamed them over a low heat. She added 5 drops of Fluxweed oil and the sliced ginger root, then dropped the Chamomile flower heads in and kept the roots and stalks to one side.
She turned the heat up gradually and began stirring clockwise until the cauldron started to boil Adding the skullcap leaf and Hyacinth flower to the cauldron, she alternated stirring two clockwise and one anti-clockwise stir, slowly. It was a good thing the instructions were reasonably simple and she had a good reference.
She lowered the heat and checked the instructions she'd written out.
Add the roots and stalks from the chamomile plant to the cauldron and stop stirring. Expose the potion to Henbane smoke and seal it for 10 minutes.
Cela added the roots and stalks and stopped stirring. The smoke part would be the hardest. She decided that the easiest thing would be to do a switching spell. It was a fairly advanced switching spell, but Cela was good at transfiguration and it didn't give her nearly as much trouble as potions. She put the lid on the cauldron and lifted it slightly, then she switched the steam from the cauldron for the smoke in the jar and put the lid down. She looked at the jar which now contained steam instead of smoked and gave herself a delighted little high five.
After ten minutes, Cela added the cucumber juice to the mix she had already prepared, then carefully added the mixture to the cauldron and sealed it again. 5 minutes after that she vanished the henbane smoke and took the lid off. She added the leech juice and slowly stirred. She added 500mls of water and reduced the mixture by half. Cela took it off the heat, checked all her notes (and his) again thoroughly, and let it cool. She decanted it into a flask and cleaned up everything.
Celandine Toussaint
Slo-Mo Solution
May 2069
Originally Posted by
"Excellent. Courage and clear thinking... Hm... Perhaps you would like to give your sample to Miss Toussaint there before she leaves with Miss Greenwood... she may need it, assuming it works at all." Kazimeriz nodded at the girl. "When we see if the results take hold, then you may be excused."
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
She looked at him. Oh great now she had to go chase after herself. "Yes sir," she said. This was going to be great. She packed up her potions stuff and put it away in her bags. "Is this by any means necessary or do I need to practice restraint?" she asked him curiously. There were a few thinks she wanted to try out and who better than a clone?
She walked over to Cela and looked at what she was brewing. "Are you ready?" she asked her. This was going to be a task. Her "better" half didn't look like she was going to go down easy.
Cela looked up as she was mentioned and Paris came up to her. "Ready? Yes? For...?" Cela blinked a few times.