Thread: Harry Potter: Echos - Sa13+
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Old 07-28-2009, 06:13 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Carve Hetcher
Fifth Year
so you can convince yourself that im cute

ok, so i dont have too many comments *sigh* However i am liking writing at the moment and pretty much have the next chapter lined up already. I didnt really like the last chapter, and although i like this one i dont know if it is as good as my first chapter, but i kinda need to put it up for the next bit to make sense. i dunno weather to post it right after this one or wait....hmmm

Also , if you wanna suggest any new plots to throw into the mix, i wanna hear them!

and remember dudes, leave bundles of comments

************************************************** *


All was quiet within the castle for the next few days. Quiet, that was, until Wednesday arrived, which meant...potions.
As the class entered, they noticed that Snape seemed to be in an even worse mood today than they had thought was possible.

Sit down,” he instructed, sweeping through the room. “I want a Draught of Living Death. One hour. Books won’t be necessary.”

“”But, sir,” piped up Seamus, as Snape made a gesture that they should begin. “You haven’t written up a method yet.”

And...” Drawled Snape.

Well, how are we supposed to do it if we don’t have any instructions?”

Mr Finnegan, a baboon could brew this potion. Just because you resemble one physically does not mean you must resemble one mentally also.”

Seamus looked outraged. Snape smirked, the class were deadly silent.

But sir-“ began Dean, but Snape had cut across him.

One hour,” he said icily. Such venom ran through the words that the class knew that to argue with him would be a very bad idea.

In all the commotion, Harry barely noticed that Malfoy had moved his cauldron and ingredients, and was now sitting directly behind him. Snape had left the classroom, and Harry – guessing that Malfoy would use this time to taunt them, warned Ron.

Malfoy’s behind us,” he muttered. To his amazement, Ron’s face lit up, and before Harry could stop him, he had turned around.

Oh!” He said in mock surprise, giving a little fake jump. “Oh, Hello Malfoy.” Every word was laced with sarcasm.

What do you want, Weasley?” Said Malfoy coldly.

Nice little chat you had with my sister last week wasn’t it?” He asked, “She thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Malfoy looked at him with the deepest loathing. “If I were you, Weasley, I’d take more control on who that little brat insults next time.”

Really?” challenged Ron, “because you left pretty quickly after she was done with you.”

Snape chose that time to return, just as Malfoy said, “well I had to get away from the filthy blood traitor stench.”

Snape, of course, ignored this comment. Ron, thinking that he just hadn’t herd, chose some very unhealthy words to throw at Malfoy under his breath.

Weasley!” Barked Snape, “Ten points from Gryffindor for the use of obscene language in my classroom!” He turned and glided towards the place where Ron was working and looked into his cauldron. “Water, Weasley?” He smirked. “You’ve had all this time and all you’ve managed to do is add the water? Take another ten points from Gryffindor. Carry on like this and you just might succeed in becoming the first Gryffindor in history to lose the entirety of their house points.”

Ron looked embarrassed as Snape moved over to Harry’s cauldron. Harry felt his stomach plummet – he had only added the water like Ron. Snape swooped to look inside, and to Harry’s amazement, straitened back up again and moved on. Harry couldn’t understand. No lecture? No snide comments? No points taken?

As the class packed away, a first year came to the classroom door. He was trembling from head to foot, and a small scroll of parchment was clutched in his sweaty little fist. Harry craned his neck, trying to see what it was. As the first year handed the parchment to Snape, he saw the thin italic writing that he thought must belong to Dumbledore. Snape read the parchment and frowned, a disgusted look on his face, and threw it aside.

But Harry had noticed something. For the first time since his arrival at Hogwarts, not once during the entire lesson had Snape looked into his eyes. In fact, he had left him pretty well alone.
************************************************** ********

comment and enjoy (L)

Last edited by firenjen; 09-03-2009 at 09:16 PM.
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