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"Hello there!" Bunbury greeted the first year and her friends. "Thank you, darling, I'm glad you all could make it to the party. We're just going to have a look-see at the flowering lilies and then you all are welcome to the food."
In a bit. Patience. And bribery.
Iris smiled at Professor Bunbury, and looked to the Lilies that she was refering to. They were certainly very pretty. She then turned back to her friends.
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rubindo Aaron smiled. Cauldron cakes are aweeeeeeesomeeeeee. As he was about to take a step towards the table. He thought of soemthing. He took out his wand. "Accio Cauldron Cake!" and one of the cauldron cakes flew at him. It would have been perfect if it didn't hit him in the forhead. "Ow!" He picked it up, tossed it lightly a little bit and caught it again. He then turned to Iris and gave her a look that said. 'How bout THEM apples?'
She tried her very best not to laugh as the cake hit him square on the fod...
"Almost got it perfect then, Aaron." she said to him, smiling lightly at him. She sat down on one of the chairs that was empty and watched the candles that were floating near by.