Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Whitterz With that, Torin decided to head back over to the pond where Bunbury the Ravenclaw was.
He headed over to the little gathering. "Professor Bunbury, when are we starting? And what are we doing for the lesson?"
He then turned to the Ravenclaw girl. "Hey, I'm Torin." Ah *wince* Mr. Kane was back. Poor boy. Pooor Bunz, how was she supposed to deal with a student stalker?
She could just pretend she didn't know the lad was infatuated with her. Ah yes, that always worked. For a bit.
"Well. Do you remember what we learned first lesson of the term, Torin?" she asked politely before turning toward the rest of the students.
"As you all might have noticed, we're gathered by the lily pond today. Any guesses why or what special occasion we're gathered here for?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lowlow Willie's green egg like eyes were surveying the garden. Everything was so... so green. Of course, it was a garden and everything in a garden was supposed to be green. Willie furrowed his brows, sticking up another finger up his other nostril.
Yeaahhh, he was on a booger hunt!
He had heard the Ravenclaw boy, but Willie didn't bother replying to him as he was too busy with his booger hunt.
Once he heard her voice, he looked up and blinked at the lady. Who was t--Ohhh, she was the professor! The crazy professor he'd been hearing of. Willie blinked at her like an owl. Actually, it would be cool if he were an owl. "Ahhhh--"
Waiiit a second. She thought he wasn't attending this school?! That lady was going to get a piece of his mind she will! How dare she---
What are you thinking Willie Crocker?! You can manipulate this woman to your every need!
Instantaneously, his eyes teared up and his lower lip quivered. "I--I--I'm at 'Ogwartth? Rea---Reallllyy?! I--I--I jutht wath walkin' 'round, mitth! I'm really thorrry, I am! REALLY!" Waiting on an answer or a good guess, Bunbury turned back toward the cute, little...
...oh booger. He was a booger boy. "Where did you come from, child?" she tried to be nice about it, although the tears weren't helping. Anastasia loathed tears and sobbing and wailing and all that emotional nonsense. "And do you need a... bib or something?" To wipe that finger on? Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessica94ear Iris walked into the Student Garden nervously with Aaron and Fallon (?). The notice board had said everyone... but there wasn't that many people there, and her, Aaron and Fallon seemed to be the youngest people there... surely the other firstie's don't go to bed this, OK - not so early. She looked around at all the pink and grinned, one thing that she had leaned about the professors this year was that Professor Bunbury loved the colour pink.
Iris looked at the sky, wondering why Professor Bunbury had chose to hold the tea party at midnight... The stars did help create some kind of mood though, one that would make and eleven year old laugh at the thought of. "Hello Professor Bunbury. The student Garden looks very lovely tonight, you must have spent ages getting it sorted." she said, smiling at the Teacher, "You look very pretty tonight too, miss." she added, a bit of flattery never killed anyone after all.
She turned around to face her two friends, "so... what now?" you could see that exitement was just ready to burst out of her, but then again... it's what you would expect of most eleven year olds. "Hello there!" Bunbury greeted the first year and her friends. "Thank you, darling, I'm glad you all could make it to the party. We're just going to have a look-see at the flowering lilies and then you all are welcome to the food."
In a bit. Patience. And bribery. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Having taken a seat just beside Reese Upstead, Anna sat quietly and eyed her surroundings. A Garden Party surely sounded exciting, and she couldn't wait to get things started. Ever since she'd read the notice announcing the party, she'd been curious to find out exactly what it was all about. As far as she knew, they'd never had a Garden Party here at Hogwarts. Professor Bunbury was apparently hosting the party, too, and there was no doubt in Anna's mind that she'd be one heck of a hostess!
"Good evening, Professors Bunbury, Kapoor, and Lawson," she greeted, trying to polite in the presence of adults. She made sure to give Professor Bunbury an extra wide smile, as she felt the need to make up for the whole langlock deal that had happened in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Eep. That'd been...scary. Dueling a professor, that is. Not actually the act of being langlocked...or however it was you referred to the situation. " morning, Miss Greingoth," Professor Bunbury automatically responded. Her eyes narrowed briefly as she took in Anna's appearance, checking to see if the girl wanted to attempt another sneak attack, and then she carefully watched her sit down. Hmm. Couldn't be too careful around that one. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah "Special plants? Well, I can hardly wait. Hardly wait. You always manage to bloom such beautiful things." He said, taking a seat nearby. "This; is for you. A bottle of Maison des Deux Soeurs '47. Been holding on to that one for a number of years, but I figured, 'why not tonight?'." He said, offering her the bow-necked bottle.
"Hello, Professor Lawson." He greeted the doey-eyed Defense teacher. "How have the Defensive arts been going?". Anastasia was absolutely soaking in Kapoor's praise, she really was. "You're too kind, professor, and oh! A bottle of Maison des Duex Soeurs." All the way back from '47??! This was a treasure. Of course she took the bottle... that was... not for sharings. Heheheheeee. Quote:
Originally Posted by dingDong Cam... couldn't sleep.
It wasn't like he was TRYING to sleep but he was pretty excited about the Garden Party, as awesome as midnight. But why must everything be sooo dark? DARK WAS SCARY. He was scared halfway through his way to the grounds that some creepy clown might suddenly come from behind and attack him. EEEP! He didn't really skip. Running in fear basically.
Out from the shoots, he ran as fast as he could from there straaaaight towards the Herbology area. Were there creatures in Hogwarts? COYOTES? Venomous snakes? Well WHATEVER they were, he wasn't going to be eaten by them tonight.
Mmmm was he lost? Nope--wait yes--actually, no--YES he was--wait maybe not. He saw candleessss. It was the way to the party yes. Cam ran as faaast as he could towards the candle. And he saw people. And then finally Bunzz. He walked towards the professorrr. "What's shakin--," he'd suddenly forgot she was a professor but... he did tend to go crazy, at paaaaarties ya know, "Hay hay hay Bunzz. Er... nice weather we're having?" He looked up. Complete darkness. Cam moved in closer. The professors would protect him from thee meeaaan meaan creatures of the dark, right? "Mr. Karsten," Bunbury raised a brow at the young Slytherin. "My name is PROFESSOR BunBURY, thank you. And yes, the weather is perfect at this time of night..."
Speaking of weather... uhm, Professor Svensson was certainly dressed for some interesting weather. "Nice outfit, Professor," she couldn't resist calling out to the man who looked like he was in the garden by force and not choice. He hadn't hit his head in that Quidditch match, had he?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |